Blazing Saddles – Fairmont Legal sponsorship

Fairmont Legal takes immense pride in sponsoring Blazing Saddles; a remarkable charity known for its inspiring efforts. This organisation, founded a decade ago by a small group of dedicated Oldham-based firefighters and their friends, highlights the perfect fusion of passion and altruism. Blazing Saddles was born by combining their love for cycling with a deep […]
Amnesty Allegations

Aisha Jung, a former employee at Amnesty International, is suing the human rights organisation due to claims of discrimination. Shortly after the organisation decided to designate Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition leader a “Prisoner of Conscience” after his arrest in January 2021, Ms Jung was unfairly dismissed. Amnesty failed to disclose dangerous agendas pushed by […]
What happens if I die without a valid Will?

We are often asked the question: What happens if I die without a valid Will? When a person dies without leaving a Will, they are described as having died ‘intestate’. This means that their estate will be distributed in accordance with the rules of intestacy. These are a statutory set of rules to divide your estate amongst your relatives […]
The Importance Of Shariah Compliant Wills

“AllahMessenger(PBUH)said“It is the duty of a Muslim, who has something which is to be given as a bequest, not to have it for two nights, without having his bequest written down regarding it.” (Bukhari/Muslim)” If you die without a valid Will, your assets will be distributed in accordance with English Law and the ‘rules of […]
Do I Need A Will?

According to estimates, as many as 60% of people don’t have a Will, meaning many loved ones stand to lose out. Making a Will means planning for the inevitable – something we really don’t want to think about. However, the importance of making a Will cannot be stressed enough. Whether you think you don’t have […]
Whiplash Reforms

How The Whiplash Reforms Affect Compensation for Personal Injury Claims You may have heard that the government made changes to the claims process for low-value road traffic accident claims, occurring on or after 31st May 2021. The reforms favour insurance companies massively by reducing compensation awards and recoverability of legal costs in the vast majority […]
Understanding Stress

National Stress Awareness Day, on every first Wednesday in November — November 3 this year provides people with an opportunity to think about our wellbeing and find advice or support on managing stress. Our Employment Law and HR team believe that employers’ responsibilities extend beyond simply ensuring contracts are in place as wellbeing should also be a […]
Cold weather is on its way, how are you going to cope? How may it impact you?

The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 came into force in March 2020 for all tenants who are living in social or privately rented properties. Some breaches and hazards that were previously disregarded, can now give tenants the right to take action against their landlords in the courts for breach of contract. Tenants can […]
Anti-Slavery Day

18th October, each year, is marked as Anti-slavery day providing an opportunity for individuals, organisations, schools, businesses and charities to raise awareness of the risks to those individuals who’s status in the modern world would be recognised as modern day slavery. We as individuals and organisations and in particular employers, need to be aware and continue to raise […]
Late Payers & How to Deal With Them

The problem of late payments is one which affects most businesses, especially in the current economic and post-Covid climate. The longer the wait to receive payments, the longer it takes the business to pay its suppliers, resulting in a vicious circle of late payments and crippling debts. There are a number of pre-emptive steps which can be […]