Policies and Procedures

There are some important policies your business will need to be  compliant with the law. These are:

  • Equal opportunities.
  • Health & safety.
  • Equality and diversity.
  • Discipline/dismissal and grievance. 

Effective business policies must be specific and clear. It should also be appropriate to your business and represent the goals you’re aiming for. Your policy is effectively a blueprint for your business. Meanwhile, the strategy concerns the decisions you’ll make on a regular basis. The above types of company policies are mandatory. Let’s take a closer look at some more.

Equal Opportunities

The Equality Act 2010 recommends you implement an equal opportunities policy. This should provide fair treatment and prevent discrimination on protected characteristics like gender, race and religion.

Punctuality & Illness

Implementing certain policies, such as those addressing punctuality, sick leave, and the use of company resources, can effectively shape employee conduct while also serving as a basis for imposing disciplinary measures when necessary. While these policies are not obligatory by law, integrating them provides a significant advantage to employers. This advantage lies in ensuring that employees cannot claim ignorance of the expectations placed upon them, thereby justifying any punitive actions taken.

Equal Pay

Due to the Equality Act 2010 and gender pay reviews, it’s crucial to maintain a fair and regularly checked equal pay policy. This policy ensures that all your employees are treated fairly, removes gender biases, and keeps an eye on the workforce compensation.

It’s essential to establish policies like equal opportunities and health & safety for legal compliance. Addressing issues like punctuality, illness, and equal pay through these policies shapes behaviour, reduces discrimination, and ensures fair compensation. It’s worth noting that there are other critical policies we haven’t covered, all contributing to a productive and equitable work environment.