I can’t come in today!

Do you have that employee that has frequent spells of short-term absence? It is important to remain open minded about an employee with high absences, rather than jumping to conclusions, that they are taking sick leave without a genuine reason. The starting point is to ensure you have simple, clear and consistent procedures for managing short term […]
EMPLOYMENT LAW & HR Upcoming Changes 2021


WHAT WAS THE SUPREME COURT RULING? According to Uber, its drivers were self-employed therefore not responsible for paying any minimum wage nor holiday pay. Former drivers James Farrar and Yaseen Aslam took Uber to an employment tribunal in 2016, on this key point and originally won against the ride hailing app giant in October 2016 Uber appealed, […]

Employment law governs the relationship between you, the business, and your employees. It covers a wide range of employer’s responsibilities and employee’s rights including, but not restricted to: The contract of employmentRecruitmentDisciplinary and grievance procedures Pay and pensions Equality and Discrimination Bullying and harassment Dismissal and redundancy Working hours Parental leave Employment Tribunal Claims Get […]