
What happens if I die without a valid Will?
We are often asked the question: What happens if I die without a valid Will? When a person dies without leaving a Will, they are described

The Importance Of Shariah Compliant Wills
“AllahMessenger(PBUH)said“It is the duty of a Muslim, who has something which is to be given as a bequest, not to have it for two nights,

Do I Need A Will?
According to estimates, as many as 60% of people don’t have a Will, meaning many loved ones stand to lose out. Making a Will means

Whiplash Reforms
How The Whiplash Reforms Affect Compensation for Personal Injury Claims You may have heard that the government made changes to the claims process for low-value

Understanding Stress
National Stress Awareness Day, on every first Wednesday in November — November 3 this year provides people with an opportunity to think about our wellbeing and

Cold weather is on its way, how are you going to cope? How may it impact you?
The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 came into force in March 2020 for all tenants who are living in social or privately rented